The commercial AV industry, like all industries, is being impacted by the COVID-19 crisis in many different ways. This is a time of new ideas for moving forward for our industry, and we believe one of the best ways we can serve our readers is by offering a platform for AV professionals to share with their industry peers the various ways this crisis has impacted their businesses and the innovative ways companies are adapting to this new normal. The following are candid conversations about how commercial AV companies are responding to the crisis.

Lifeline AV
Steven Picanza, Future-Proof Their Business
Sony Professional, COVID-19
Clear-Com, COVID-19
Matrox, COVID-19
Barco, COVID-19
NSCA, Chuck Wilson, COVID-19
Bosch, COVID-19
d&b audiotechnik, Larry Italia, COVID-19
Sound Productions, COVID-19
SYNNEX, Sandi Stambaugh
Digital Projection, COVID-19
Tom Mingo, Williams AV, COVID-19
Shure, Jim Schanz, COVID-19
AVIXA, Dave Labuskes

For more on how commercial AV companies are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, click here.

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