disguise, the solution for creative and technical professionals to imagine, create and deliver spectacular live experiences, kicked off 2020 with the launch of the r17 software update. Designed in response to feedback from its user community, r17 dramatically enhances the experience of building projects, unlocks better ways to work, and saves time and effort when producing live visuals. With 24 new features, 188 bug fixes and 35 improvements, r17 streamlines workflow processes to help deliver a faster production. Some of the most anticipated features include manipulators that allow users to visually interact with the 3D stage and objects within for faster, more intuitive stage editing. PreComps create compositions of layers which can be reused in multiple locations and NDI integration allows enhanced support for NDI as a video input, unlocking new workflows for esports, fixed installations and TV productions.
Booth #15-E250
This post is part of our ISE 2020 New Product Spotlight.