The EX-HDU is a unique solution as it combines a variety of different products into a simple and easy to integrate kit. It allows a user to connect their HDMI + USB from their PC to a wall plate transmitter and have both signals extended to a receiver up to 200 ft away.
The patent pending single-gang Wall Plate Sender has a 2-port hub for USB connection and one HDMI input, no power supply needed. The Receiver provides HDMI video output, stereo audio output and 4 USB ports. Control is through RS-232, 4 programmable digital I/O ports and IR output. A mini-USB port is also provided for configuration upload from a PC when the Receiver is configured as a control system. The optional model EX-HDU-R-IP receiver with LAN connectivity provides a configurable WebGUI and IP control.
Users can upload RS-232 commands to the EX-HDU to control other equipment and commands can be triggered automatically by detecting video, or manually via the internal WebGUI, or by sensing open and close contact events on the I/O ports, for example to lower or raise a motorized projector screen. A free PC software is available for configuring the system and to upload control commands.