The longtime Premier Mounts executive discusses B-Tech’s exciting plans for the North American market.
Tiffany Dozier is a well-known figure in the commercial AV industry, having had a successful, 24-plus-year career working with Premier Mounts. Recently, Dozier made a career move, having been recruited by B-Tech AV Mounts to serve as the company’s VP of Sales, North America. In that important role, Dozier will help make B-Tech as prominent a name in the North American market as it already is globally.
To learn more about Dozier’s exciting plans and B-Tech’s latest moves, Sound & Communications caught up with her recently. The following Q&A has been lightly edited.
Sound & Communications: As someone who has a quarter-century’s worth of experience in the AV industry, you’ve accomplished a lot over the years. Share some of the highlights of your career up to this point.
Tiffany Dozier: I have been very lucky to work with some amazing people over the past 25 years—from peers, to manufacturers, to customers. They have truly made my AV career one that I continue to love.
I have had the pleasure of working with engineers, project managers and leaders to execute some high-profile projects that required both stock and custom solutions. We have partnered with top integrators to install high-impact digital-signage solutions in Chase banks, Dunkin’ Donuts, General Motors, Dave & Buster’s, Macy’s and Meijer’s, and in countless other projects.
I am involved in every aspect of these types of projects—from the design stage up to onsite installation. My customers have come to know that I am by their side until we cross the finish line.

Sound & Communications: Likewise, please share some background information about B-Tech AV Mounts, which has been in business for almost 50 years. If someone hasn’t heard much about the global brand, how would you explain its history and growth?
Dozier: B-Tech AV Mounts is a UK-headquartered, family-owned business that was started in 1972 by Martin Bennett. Matthew Bennett joined the company in 1998 and oversaw the export side of the business, and later moved to Hong Kong to oversee the transfer of production of key product lines.
In 2008, Matt Bennett acquired the company following a management buyout and has been the CEO since that time. To date, B-Tech AV Mounts has expanded operations in Belgium; Germany; Spain; Dubai, UAE; China; Singapore; Vietnam; Korea; and now the US.
Although we have had a limited presence in North America for a few years, we are now fully committed to making B-Tech a leading contender in the mounting category. We have partnered with the nation’s top rep firms to provide cross-country field sales support to our customers. We have an inside sales team with a combined 22-plus years of experience in mounting solutions. And we have stock in our Los Angeles CA warehouse ready to ship!
Sound & Communications: What sparked your desire to join B-Tech AV Mounts at this point in your career? What opportunity did you perceive that made you excited to jump aboard?
Dozier: I have always heard great things about B-Tech AV Mounts over the years—from the quality of their products, to the family legacy, to the integrity of the company. There were similarities to my family’s business, Premier Mounts, which I was a part of for 24-plus years.
After one conversation with Matt Bennett and Chris Bugan, I was convinced this was a company I needed to be a part of. They understand the significance of building our North America business and how to do it in a way that builds trust, loyalty and lasting partnerships with our resellers. They support my team, me and the plan we’ve created to make this a successful expansion. When you love what you do, and you work for great people, it’s an easy decision to jump in and not look back.
Sound & Communications: The B-Tech brand was relaunched to the US market back at InfoComm 2018. Share a bit about the progress that the company has made in the US market over the past three years. For example, has the company secured key partnerships with integrators and manufacturers? If so, please share details of those.
Dozier: The global B-Tech AV Mounts team has done a great job of getting our products specified into major projects around the world. In partnership with Diversified, AVI-SPL, Mood Media and many others, they have supported many global rollouts at retail locations, airports, stadiums and arenas, and auto manufacturers.
In each of our global locations, we have sales-and-marketing staff, as well as a complete selection of inventory stocked and ready to ship, as needed.
With the opening of our US sales offices and expanded distribution, along with existing worldwide operations, we are now truly the only global mount company in the world.
Sound & Communications: Shifting from looking backward to looking forward, what plans have your team and you devised to drive your expansion plans in the US? How are you increasing demand? How are you increasing your ability to fulfill that demand stateside?
Dozier: We are in the process of partnering with eight of the nation’s top rep firms across the country. All reps will be onboard by the end of June.
I have worked with rep firms for over 20 years, and the best firms continue to raise their value to the manufacturers they represent, whether it’s through the addition of training centers, virtual-training capabilities or their ability to pivot as the needs of their customers changed throughout this pandemic. Reps understand how to service their customers and keep their manufacturers top of mind in their territories.
We continue to receive containers at our Santa Fe Springs CA warehouse to support the business. We understand the importance of having inventory on hand when it’s needed, so we will monitor this closely to ensure we are keeping up with demand.

Sound & Communications: My understanding is that part of your job is to educate integrators, architects and consultants. What are you seeking to educate them about?
Dozier: The goal here is to make decision-makers aware of the importance of selecting the best mounting solution for the application and environment it’s going into. So many times over the years, I have seen instances where the right questions weren’t asked and/or answered upfront about the project. There are many variables to successfully installing videowalls or unique configurations. We want customers to utilize our expertise on product selections. We will guide you on the important features and benefits of each product to ensure that the result is a successful install.
Sound & Communications: Looking at B-Tech’s current line of mounting products, give us some insight into the breadth of display types that the line can support.
Dozier: The lineup of products offered by B-Tech AV Mounts is one of the broadest I’ve seen. If you take our System X products, for example, there are virtually thousands of display-mounting configurations that can be achieved with a limited number of components.
The possibilities are endless—from single wall mounts to large-scale LCD and LED videowalls, ceiling mounts, floor stands, floor-attached options and mobile carts. In addition, we can design and manufacture fully customized solutions through our B-Spoke technical team.
Sound & Communications: Share a bit about the company’s core ethos, which is “Local Service on a Global Scale.” What does that philosophy mean to you? How does it affect B-Tech’s operations?
Dozier: This comes down to our commitment to walking alongside our reseller partners to play a critical role in making them successful in their customers’ eyes. We want to take stuff off their plate and make it very easy for them to work with B-Tech. It takes time to earn that trust and a history of getting things right. It’s about truly being a partner versus being a vendor. Partners are in it for mutual success.
Sound & Communications: Who are the key members of your North American team? Is that team continuing to grow?
Dozier: Irene Zuniga is our Eastern US Inside Sales Representative. Irene started as our first Inside Sales Representative in mid-April. Irene has over seven years of experience in mounting solutions, including custom-project coordination in her previous role at Premier Mounts. Irene will be supporting all rep firms based in the Midwest, Southeast and Northeast regions.
Joan Iem just joined us on May 17 as our Western US Inside Sales Representative. Joan has over 12 years of experience in mounting solutions and has great, longstanding relationships with many of our resellers. Joan will be supporting all rep firms based in the West, Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountain and South Central regions.
Chris Bugan is our Operations Manager, based out of Florida. Debby Myers is our Administrative Manager, based out of Arizona.
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